Customers talk. Start listening

The Smartest path to Understanding your Customers

We have all wished we could read minds at some point, yes? It could be to know why your partner is mad at you, what to get for your best friend’s birthday, or to figure out your colleague knows you’re lying.

In business, mind-reading surely has a whole different potential. Afterall, it’s your target audience’s emotions that can turn your business from zero to one to a hundred. So, Delving into their brains is exactly the approach we are using here.

To do this, Lacritz empowers your business with the power of social listening, where we collect data about your brand and competitors. We:

  • Extract relevant information available online real time and/or for a specific period of time
  • Understand the sentiments your audience have towards your brand via the tone they have communicated in
  • Enable you to understand where (location), when, and how (or what channels) your audience is using to convert these sentiments about your business.

extract relevant information available online in real-time and/or for a specific period of time


understand the sentiments your audience have towards your brand via the tone they have communicated in


enable you to understand where (location), when, and how (or what channels) your audience is using to convert these sentiments about your business.


Your Users’ reactions are not a Guessing game anymore

Lacritz enables you to understand your audience based on the conversations they have. Because why look elsewhere when you can get regular feedback from your own users?

Sentiment Analysis

What the world says might not matter, but what your target audience says definitely does! Lacritz analyses your audience’s conversations on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Our ML model assesses the keywords and user comments that focus on your business. And in a matter of minutes, you will get to know if their emotions are positive, negative or neutral.

  • Understand what’s working from the users’ point of view
  • Identify the gap between what your business is providing and what the customer wants
  • Figure out if customers get your brand message
  • Enhance the overall customer experience

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    What software do you use for text analysis?

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, It is a long established.

    Real Time Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning?

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, It is a long established.

    Are there any available databases for affective models?

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, It is a long established.


    1234 North Avenue Luke Lane,
    South Bend, IN 360001

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